Trust Betrayed: Rhode Island Power Company Under Fire for Secret Smart Meter Deals - Smart Energy USA

Trust Betrayed: Rhode Island Power Company Under Fire for Secret Smart Meter Deals

Smart Energy Hearing

A recent hearing at the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in Rhode Island revealed shocking revelations about power company PPL’s misleading behavior concerning secret smart meter contracts. The company’s actions not only jeopardize its case but also erode ratepayer trust. Commission Chair Ron Gerwatowski called out PPL for submitting misleading documents and misrepresenting its relationship with smart meter company Landis+Gyr. The disclosure came during the hearing when a witness, under oath, was compelled to admit the truth, prompting the commission’s scrutiny.

Background and Implications: The PUC hearing, part of the Advanced Meter Functionality (AMF) case, focuses on replacing outdated electric meters with advanced smart meters. PPL seeks to demonstrate the need for meter replacement, the benefits to consumers, and its installation plan. Since the cost of meter replacement is fully subsidized by ratepayers, securing the best deal is crucial. However, PPL’s deceptive conduct casts doubt on the credibility of their claims and their commitment to ratepayer interests.

Misleading Filings and Concealed Agreements: PPL’s filing with the PUC failed to disclose its intention to heavily rely on Landis+Gyr as the sole vendor for the smart meter program. The company emphasized the need for confidentiality to secure the best pricing but concealed the fact that it had already entered into binding agreements with Landis+Gyr. Under scrutiny, it was revealed that the company intentionally withheld this information until directly questioned during the hearing. The company’s conduct violated the principles of transparency and openness expected in regulatory proceedings.

Chair Gerwatowski’s Condemnation: Commission Chair Ron Gerwatowski expressed his disappointment with PPL’s misleading filings and the subsequent revelations. He criticized the company’s lack of candor and transparency, stating that it was unacceptable for a regulated utility to hide material information from the commission. Chair Gerwatowski emphasized that utilities should prioritize their responsibilities to the commission and ratepayers, rather than appeasing vendors seeking substantial charges funded by ratepayers.

Consequences and Future Proceedings: PPL’s deceptive behavior has cast doubt on the AMF case’s schedule. The PUC’s Chief Economic and Policy Analyst, Todd Bianco, acknowledged that the hearing schedule might need adjustments due to the company’s resistance and delayed disclosures. PPL is now required to provide explanations regarding the cost-effectiveness of their contractual arrangements with Landis+Gyr, the reasonableness of pricing, cost allocation, and other critical factors. The PUC will closely examine these filings to assess the validity of PPL’s claims and ensure ratepayer interests are protected.

Rebuilding Trust and Ensuring Transparency: The incident highlights the importance of trust and transparency between utilities, regulators, and ratepayers. It is essential for utilities to adhere to rigorous disclosure standards and maintain open communication with regulatory bodies. Rebuilding trust will require PPL to demonstrate full transparency, provide accurate information, and prioritize the interests of ratepayers in their smart meter program.

Conclusion: PPL’s deceptive conduct during the PUC hearing regarding smart meter contracts has raised serious concerns about the company’s integrity and its commitment to ratepayer interests. The incident highlights the need for transparency and open communication in regulatory proceedings. Moving forward, PPL must rectify its actions, provide complete and accurate information, and regain the trust of the commission and ratepayers.

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Smart Energy USA

Rodolfo is a smart energy researcher with over 7 years of experience in the energy industry.
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